Mi Querida, Galicia

O noso primeiro ano xuntos termina ben e quero agradecerte por ser o meu lugar favorito neste mundo, meu novo fogar. Atopeite hai tres anos facendo o Camiño de Santiago e namoreime de ti dende entón. Estás chea das mellores persoas, vistas, e cultura. Sei que nos veremos en breve, pero eu botareite en falta. Tí es a miña mellor terapia. Eu quero  perdeme nos teus bosques e mergullarme nos teus mares. ¡Cada vez fasme sentir máis viva!  Fasme moi feliz e ensínasme un pouco sobre a vida cada día.

Moitas graciñas por ser ti




English Translation

My dear Galicia,

Our first year together is ending soon and I wanted to thank you for being my favorite place in this world, my new home. I found you three years ago while walking the Camino de Santiago and I have been in love since. You are full of the best people, views, and culture. I know that we will see each other soon, but I will miss you nonetheless. You are my best therapy. I love getting lost in your forests and immersing myself in your seas. Each time I feel more alive! You make me so happy and teach me a little more about myself everyday.

Thank you so much for being you.

I love you,


Photo Gallery: Galicia

To learn more about Galicia, click here.


Iris · June 28, 2017 at 17:02

Wow!! Great pictures!! Are you on instagram? I think your pics will definitely works great on this platform (and I’d love to follow you to see more of them as well!).

    lifeonmolly · June 28, 2017 at 17:31

    Hello, Iris! Thank you for reaching out. I do have Instagram.. it is @mollyemorgan or you can find my feed on the front page of my blog!

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