“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

-Walt Disney


Hello, babes and welcome back!

A couple of weeks ago on Instagram, I posted a poll wanting to know what type of blog I should post next and “How I Stay Organized” surprisingly got many votes! I get asked all of the time from friends how I manage to stay on top of everything and make staying organized look so easy…but the truth is that when you build a routine that is based on organized and priorities, it all sprinkles into place. Actually when I sat down to brainstorm ideas for this blog, it was hard at first because I do so many small things in my daily schedule and have become so accustomed to doing them that it doesn’t even feel like a task anymore. They have become easy to forget because they are so small, but still significantly help me to achieve my goals everyday–so my goal is to help you get to that level! I absolutely love writing blogs about my routines and how I manage to do life on a daily basis, so I am excited to share some of my organization tips with you! 


Monthly Calendar

So one of the first things that I do every month to stay organized is make a monthly calendar to fill out. I usually do this a few days before the beginning of the following month so that I can start the upcoming month with a fresh idea of what all is going on and what my schedule is going to look like. This helps me to get a visual and see when my private classes, appointments, trips, and social events are. I use just a general month template off of Google or Pinterest. If you feel really motivated, you can even make your own.

Lists, Lists, Lists

I think one of the most basic steps to living a more organized life is keeping lists…of everything! I am someone that if I have something to remember and I don’t write it down, I will forget. Whether it’s a grocery list, a packing list or a to-do list, it helps to keep me on track in different ways. If you’re wanting to be more organized, writing lists to organize yourself would be the first tip I would give you!

Create a Weekly Schedule

On top of creating a monthly schedule, I also like to make specific weekly schedules that help me to organize smaller details. For example, I make this to write down any specific assignments I may have at work, gym classes or workouts for the week, things I need to get done for the week, etc. This helps me to find a time for everything that I need to do and overall makes me more productive, because I have actually written down and appointed what I need to do. This is especially helpful for when I have made big changes in my life (like moving to Galicia) or have taken on a bunch of new private classes so that I can refer to something until I get back into the groove of my schedule and get it down to memory.

Take Advantage of Freetime

I don’t know you about but sometimes I can get stuck in a routine where I don’t use my free time wisely. I sometimes find myself scrolling through instagram, facebook, or twitter then I find myself later regretting every minute of doing that because I could have used that time so much better. I think learning to take advantage of freetime is a great habit to start. When I have a free hour or something I try to fill it now with doing something productive like cleaning my apartment, working on a blog post, or even taking a nap if I am feeling exhausted. By making this change, I find my days to be so much more productive and happier.

Set a Timer to Get Tasks Done

I think one thing that leads to procrastination and not being organized is simply not having the energy to make yourself complete a task. If I ever feel this way, I set a timer for an hour or for however long I have and it helps me to pace myself and get it done! It’s a good method for self-motivation because I tell myself “if I work really hard and am concentrated then I can finish most of this blog in an hour” or whatever type of task it is.

Develop a Morning Routine

I swear by this! I even wrote a blog last year about my personal morning routine, which you can find here. I think finding a routine for ourselves in the morning and being able to follow it is key for productivity. By having a routine, I start everyday less stressed and feeling better about what I have to get done. It honestly also just helps me to get a great start to my day. Even if I have the worst day at work or whatever, I can still be proud of myself for at least having a productive and efficient morning.

Set Your Priorities

Finally, sit down and think about your priorities when trying to be more organized. My life is not perfect. I still have many days where I get nothing done and am honestly useless, but it’s important to know where our priorities are. It’s also important to learn to say no to people, if you find yourself giving up a lot of your time to help others (which is great, don’t get me wrong) and it’s keeping you from achieving your goals then it might be time to start telling people no until you can get yourself organized! Making ourselves our first priority is always in our best interest!

As always I hope you enjoyed this post! Thank you for reading ♥ Molly

If you’re planning on taking a trip anytime soon, use this link to save $30 on your first Airbnb experience when you sign up through me! 

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